Monday, October 8, 2012

Low Calorie Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

 Fresh bread is always welcome at the table, but if you are looking to keep the calories down, you need a low calorie whole wheat bread recipe.

Bread that is Better for You

Bread is basic to life and whole wheat bread is a great source of fiber and nutrition. When bread is made fresh, the flavor of the whole-wheat flour really comes through and will enhance whatever meal you are serving it with. Whole-wheat flour is made by grinding the entire wheat kernel. It's the whole thing--the germ and the bran. Because the entire grain is used, there is a higher instance of the flour going rancid due to the fat content of the germ, so use your whole wheat flour as quickly as you can.
Flour made from whole wheat makes a heavier bread than most bakers are looking for, so regular bread flour will often be mixed in with the whole wheat flour to give the bread some lift and a lighter texture. We are going to be using a 100 percent whole-wheat formula for this low calorie whole wheat bread recipe. If you find that it is too heavy or doesn't rise enough for your tastes, you can try substituting some of the whole-wheat flour with some regular bread flour. In a pinch, all-purpose flour can also be used. All-purpose flour has slightly lower gluten content and won't give the same results as bread flour would. For home use, and if it is mixed in with whole wheat flour, the difference should be negligible.

Lowering the Calories

Despite the recent anti-carbohydrate trend in the diet world, I still stand by my conviction that bread is good for you. It is called the "staff of life" and grains supply the body with vital nutrients. Having said that, if you are looking to lower the calorie content of your bread while still keeping the flavor and nutrients, you are going to need to rework your bread recipe a bit.
I was taught how to make 100 percent whole wheat bread by using the straight dough method. The recipe that I was given also called for shortening and malt syrup. I left out the malt syrup, which although it adds flavor and some color, it also adds calories. The recipe called for sugar already and leaving out a relatively hard to find ingredient seemed like a natural place to start. Unless you have access to a professional cooking supply store, you would probably have to skip the malt syrup anyway.
I also substituted the shortening with vegetable oil. This helps us keep the texture and moisture about the same but avoids shortening.

Loaf or Buns

This low cal wheat bread recipe works well for loaves as well as buns and rolls. The same process should be followed for either choice. I like to give the bread an egg wash before cooking...this helps the bread develop a rich color.

Low Calorie Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

This recipe is good for three pounds of dough. It may sound like a lot, but three pounds of dough is really just three loaves of bread. I am giving the recipe in weight rather than volume measurements because you get a better result using weight measurements when baking. It is more accurate.


·  1 pound and 1 ounce warm water
·   3/4 ounce fresh yeast or 1 tablespoon dry yeast
·  1 pound and 10 ounces whole-wheat flour
·   1/2 ounce sugar
·   3/4 ounce non-fat dried milk
·  1 ounce vegetable oil
·  1/2 ounce salt


1.  Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water or, if you are using dry yeast, bloom the yeast as the package instructs.
2. Using the 1 or 2 setting on your stand mixer with the dough hook attachment in place, add the water and yeast to the bowl of your mixer.
3.  Add the rest of the ingredients.
4.  Once the dough is formed to a smooth dough, turn it out onto your work surface.
5.  Place the dough into an oiled bowl and cover and place in a warm draft free location.
6. When the dough has doubled in size, punch the dough down by pushing your fist into the center of the dough.
7. Let it rise again and take it out of the bowl. Separate into 3 1-pound loaves. You can place the loaves into loaf pans if you like.
8.  Let the bread proof until doubled in size again. Putting them in an oven that has not been turned on is a good place for this.
9. Take the proofed loaves out of the oven and preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
10.  I like to egg wash the bread and then slash it, but you can skip the wash if you like.
11.Bake until golden brown.
After letting the bread cool, cut it and enjoy the results of your low calorie whole wheat bread recipe.

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